Instagram Filters: The New Trait To Grow Engagement

· Instagram filters,Instagram features,Instagram analytics,Instagram AR filters,Instagram marketing

Long gone are those days when users had just a few photo filters to choose from: As Instagram keeps updating its feature, it also came up with countless ways to enhance your photos. Many professional-like photos are mostly clicked on an average mobile device, and the reason behind the best image is an appropriate use of Ig filters. They make your pictures stand out and also improves the quality of the picture.

Whether you are an Instagram pro or a beginner, you might have some questions. How to use filters? How to add new filters to my Instagram Story? Or How to even improve the quality of your pictures?

You’re in luck as we have covered everything from finding the best filter to the most popular Instagram Filters. We will help you speed up everything you thought you already knew about Ig filters. But first, let’s review the basics.

What are Ig Filters?

Ig Filters are the feature that allows you to edit your photo with one click and also to use augmented reality (AR) effects that you can layer on your actual photos and videos. Instagram provides its users up to 25 filters to choose from for their pictures.

Instagram has opened a medium for marketers to use filters for their brand. It has resulted in better engagement of their audiences without making them feel bored and also made it more fun for them.

How To Find Filters And Discover New filters?


You snapped the perfect photo to share on Instagram, and the only thing that can make it even better is the absolute sharp filter. Well! It is easy to access your Instagram Story filters. Follow the steps given below:

  • Create a new story by tapping on the cameras
  • Pick an effect by swiping left at the bottom of the screen.
  • Keep swiping left to browse or discover new filters.     
Most Popular Filters Of Instagram

1- Clarendon:
It is an all-purpose filter that tops the list of the most widely used filters. It brightens, highlights, and intensifies shadows for color that pops.


2- Gingham:
This filter gives a nostalgic feeling with the essence of richness and authenticity. It lends color intensity and brightens warm hues.


3- Juno:
This filter punches up color and adds warmth to the picture. It makes the red, orange, and yellow color pop.


These were some of the popular filters that assist you in upgrading your picture quality and allows you to change the look and feel of the original photograph, which brings me to my next point.

Things To Consider While Adding Filters

Instagram filters are fun and easy to deal with: But, stop yourself from getting carried away with it. To ensure your filter game doesn't suck, make sure to consider these three points before adding filters.

Do not Overdo It

Filters are fun to play with and can lead to beautiful results. But if it is overused or exceeds the limit, the quality drops drastically. Instagram allows you to boost contrast or inject vintage flavor by just swiping with your finger even after applying the filter. Therefore, do not over filter your photographs as it damages the Picture quality and is not very pleasing visually.

Be Consistent With Your Filters


Being consistent with photos and its filter creates a cohesive profile look. Maintain a perfect theme for your photographs, and use the same filter for every picture. It is also statistically proven to be successful for marketers. It increases Instagram analytics.

Brand's Objective

There is no use in picking the filter that falls apart from your brand's objective. The idea is to increase brand awareness, not to confuse your audiences. For example, You cannot use a black and white theme for a fun makeup brand. Therefore, ensure your filter choices stay on brands.

What Is Instagram (AR) filter?


Augmented reality filters are computer-generated effects that add an imaginary effect on your real-life pictures. It was launched in 2017. Since Instagram is no more about just socializing, but a platform for businesses to enhance. It has now allowed users to create customized AR filters for Instagram Stories.


Following are the ways to make your own AR filter:

  • First and foremost, familiarize yourself with the platform and interface by surfing through tutorial videos.
  • Download Spark AR Studio
  • Start your first project from scratch or use a template to proceed further.
  • You can use face-tracking effects, hand trackers, or incorporating audio to create a filter
  • Examine how your work looks like in a live mode, and then click on the publish button.

Also watch: How To Auto Follow Users On Instagram Using Socinator

Filter Your Mini world


Filters are everywhere and are proving to be a new trait to grow engagement. They help you refine your pictures and make them visually impactful. Hopefully, with this article, you get a brief knowledge about Instagram filters and their impact on Businesses